What is a Teaching Diploma?

The Teaching Diploma degree was established in the Faculty of Education at USAL in light of the recent accelerating advances in the field of education, and in order to meet the needs of learners. At USAL, we believe that it is not enough for teachers to master the subject they teach in order to achieve necessary educational outcomes. We thus emphasize on the importance for teachers to acquire educational competencies that shall enable them to perform their duties with highest proficiency. The educational process taking place will then be enhanced, leading to inflict positive effects on the learners’ performance.

Teaching Diploma aims at preparing and qualifying graduates who wish to practice teaching. It also contributes to raising the degree of competency in teachers and qualifying them educationally.

Expected Outcomes

The different objectives, competencies and outcomes of this degree are based on the fundamental educational knowledge, in addition to the orientations and skills necessary for any teacher to obtain, in light of the requirements highly demanded in our time, and the international standards of teaching.

Success and evaluation are highly related to the performance of teachers and their ability to meet the requirements of any work environment proficiently, in which the student teacher practices actual teaching.

By the end of their studies, graduates shall have obtained teaching and technical competencies, thus being able to:

  • Objectively analyze and implement lesson plans in the field of specialty.
  • Set plans for a teaching unit and a teaching course, and prepare all relevant elements starting educational activities and means, in accordance with the objectives of the subject.
  • Design and implement educational activities according to the obtained results and the subject of teaching.
  • Use teaching strategies in different positions.
  • Use different evaluation tools to detect the extent to which the learner understood and comprehended the subject in order to provide him with the necessary feedback.
  • Interpret students’ test results and suggest suitable solutions to tackle detected weaknesses in students during the teaching process.
  • Use and employ technology in accordance with the needs of students.
  • Acquire thinking, creative and scientific skills in problem solving, in addition to independent self-learning skills.

Fields of work

USAL graduates shall have the opportunity to teach subjects in their fields of specialty for all stages of education in official and private schools.

Study program and Credits

The program was designed in accordance with a comprehensive academic plan based on both theoretical and practical levels. It includes courses of 24 credits distributed over at least 2 semesters (fall and spring) in each academic year. They include general specialty requirements and other requirements specific to the degree. These are:

Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
EDUC 310 Introduction to Educational Sociology 3 credits
EDUC 315 Measurement and Classroom evaluation 3 credits
EDUC 416 Educational Technology 3 credits
EDUC 212 Theories of Learning 3 credits
EDUC 417 Curriculum design 3 credits
EDUC 312 Instructional Procedures 3 credits
EDUC 490 Practicum 3 credits
Choose one of the following courses
EDAR 407 Methods of teaching Arabic Language 3 credits
EDEN 407 Methods of teaching English Language 3 credits
EDAR 409 Methods of teaching Social Studies 3 credits
EDMS 423 Methods of teaching Mathematics 3 credits
EDMS 425 Methods of teaching Sciences 3 credits


  • Obtain a university degree or any equivalent document.
  • Pass the academic orientation stage that determines the suitability of a student’s abilities and qualifications in accordance with the field of study.